20.03.2024 - 06:53

B. B. - Edmonton

  • Services needed

    Selecting colleges
    Completing applications

  • Student's current grade

    High school graduate

  • Get to know your prospective student

    I Graduated Ross Shepard High school in 2022 and I took a gap year last year and worked as an event planning intern in the Middle East. I am currently enrolled in a few online courses at Thompson Rivers University. I would like to apply to mostly colleges in the states for January 2025 for media, marketing and events. Im currently looking at Boston College as well as Syracuse University. If someone would be able to guide me with applications swell as maybe taking the SAT's that would be appreciated, thanks so much!

  • Desired lesson frequency

    More than once a week

  • Day preference


  • Time preference

    Late afternoon (3 - 6pm)
    Evening (after 6pm)

  • How would you like to meet with the Professional?

    At the customer location

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