Parneet Kaur
Services done by Parneet Kaur in Calgary
Provide basic knowledge of Harmonium from start especially for kids.
Fluent in Punjabi language
Alberta CalgaryContact
AvailableRegistered on Fixando
Before 10 monthsMap
Are you looking for the service of Hebrew Translation in Alberta / Calgary?
Service of Writing, translation, and transcription in Alberta
What is the average price of Parneet Kaur services?
The price of the service a relevant factor. For the category of Writing, translation, and transcription, the average price in Fixando is .
What services does Parneet Kaur provides?
PROs can select a wide range of categories and provide all their services in one place. Parneet Kaur provides serviços in the categories of Writing, translation, and transcription, Varied Services.
Where does Parneet Kaur provides services?
If you're looking for Parneet Kaur services, you will find him in Calgary and surrounding areas.
How does Parneet Kaur prefers to be contacted?
Contact options are useful to know th fastest way to get in touch, Contact this pro via .